Age-Restricted Vending Technology Solutions | AgeVend

Know your customers faces... literally

Facial recognition technology is becoming an increasingly popular tool for age-restricted vending environments, as it allows for efficient and accurate verification of a customer’s age. AgeVend, an age restricted vending machine company, uses facial recognition software paired with document scanning software to match the ID document presented to the person’s face, ensuring that the individual making the purchase is the same person whose information is on the ID.

One key benefit of using facial recognition technology in age-restricted vending is that it greatly reduces the potential for fraud. Traditional methods of age verification, such as checking ID cards, can be easily circumvented by using fake or stolen IDs. According to a study by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), in 2018, an estimated 1.2 million fraudulent IDs were seized by law enforcement officials in the US alone. With facial recognition, the machine can confirm that the person presenting the ID is the same person whose information is on the ID, making it much more difficult for individuals to use false identification to make age-restricted purchases.

Another benefit of facial recognition technology is its speed and convenience. AgeVend’s vending machines are able to process age verification quickly, allowing customers to make their purchase without delay. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and reduce lines at the vending machine. According to a study by the National Retail Federation, “79% of customers are more likely to shop at a store that uses technology to make the shopping experience more convenient.” Additionally, because the vending machine can automatically verify age, customers do not need to interact with a human employee, which can be beneficial for reducing the spread of disease.

Facial recognition technology also offers improved data security for AgeVend. Traditional methods of age verification, such as checking ID cards, can lead to sensitive personal information being mishandled or stolen. With facial recognition, the vending machine only needs to confirm that the person making the purchase matches the information on the ID, without needing to store or transmit sensitive personal information. According to a study by the Center for Digital Government, “44% of organizations have experienced a data breach in the past year.”

In conclusion, using facial recognition technology in age-restricted vending environments offers many benefits, including improved security, speed, and convenience. With AgeVend’s vending machines, customers can be sure that the person making the purchase is the same person whose information is on the ID, while also being able to complete their purchase quickly and safely. Furthermore, it is a great tool to combat fraud and ensure data security, which is becoming more and more important in today’s digital age.

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Age-Restricted Vending Technology Solutions | AgeVend

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